Online sessions are done via ZOOM, SKYPE or MESSENGER. It is possible to have Subspace Remote Healing Sessions as well as TELEMED-TELEHEALTH sessions. The Subspace Remote Healing Sessions can only be performed only on our existing clients, while the TELEMED-TELEHEALTH can be performed on anyone who wants to optimize their health, strengthen their immune system and manage their weight better.
The TELEMED-TELEHEALTH Online Consulting with Dr. Violetta Anninou, Ph.D. is aimed at providing holistic and integrative suggestions and solutions for improving nutrition, reducing toxins, information on the appropriate nutritional supplements such as herbs, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, enzymes, probiotics and natural foods that each body needs according to their biochemical individuality based on their medical history of symptoms and microbiological tests for the purpose of detecting stressors, reducing stressors and managing stress for a better psychological state.
For our existing clients the TELEMED-TELEHEALTH Long Distance Subspace healing sessions with the QUEX ED online consulting is between 1 to 2 hours with a choice of leaving it overnight to enhance treatment. Printscreens are sent after each session in your email with your consent. While for those who want their first online consultation without subspace remote healing with the QUEX ED device but just with Dr. Violetta Anninou, Ph.D. the duration of the consultation is one hour or more according to one’s needs.
Distance/Subspace Healing?
Subspace remote treatment with QUEX ED works
according to the principles of quantum physics. In
Quantum, everything is connected. Everything is part of
a continuous whole.
Distance is not a factor. The method of distance
treatment in scientific circles is known as non-local
healing. It is a proven scientific fact that this method of
healing is extremely effective.
Harvard University holds seminars in non-local healing.
The medical establishment has performed many double-
blind studies that also prove the effectiveness of this type
of therapy. The electromagnetic fields of the human body
have been measured and shown to extend beyond the
limits of the human body. There is no known distance
limit traveled by these measured energy forces.
How does it work?
According to Deepak Chopra: “To promote the healing
response, you must get past all the grosser levels of the
body-cells, tissue, organs and systems----and arrive at a
junction point between mind and matter, the point where
consciousness actually starts to have an effect’”
Long Distance Healing is wireless technology and works
on a principle similar to the cell phone. It is fairly well
accepted that the garage door opener and the television
remote work by wireless methods. The cell phone works
at even greater distances. There simply has to be a
sender and a receiver. In this case the sender is the
QUEX ED system device and the receiver is the person.
How does QUEX ED find a particular person at a great
When a person is born, it has a very specific energy that
makes it distinct and unique in the quantum world.
Subspace treatment is possible with the consent of the
individual and by providing the following information to
the device: full name, date of birth, place of birth and
frequency of DNA so that the device can locate the
There are many ways in which one can understand how
distance therapy works. Much of our daily experience
involves the transfer of energy over long distances -
satellite dishes are just one example.
We live in interesting times; the nature of healthcare is
changing dramatically since the beginning of the twenty-
first century.
The quantum level (atomic) electromagnetic fields of the
human body, including conscious and sub-conscious
energy forces have been measured and proven to
extend beyond the confines of the human body.
The QUEX ED uses patented technology to identify and
connect to the body’s unique quantum energy fields. This
dimension, unique to the QUEX ED allows distant (non-
local) sessions between the QUEX ED and the client in
Subspace mode so the client discovers new ways to
achieve optimal health at all levels- mind, body and spirit.
This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded equally to Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger for their groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states, where two particles behave like a single unit even when they are separated. Their results have cleared the way for new technology based upon quantum information.
Their work proves quantum entanglement which is the curious phenomenon in which two or more particles exist in a so-called entangled state. In this bizarre situation, an action taken on one of the particles can instantaneously ripple through the entire entangled assemblage, predicting the other particles’ behavior, even if they are far apart. If an observer determines the state of one such particle, its entangled counterparts will instantly reflect that state—whether they are in the same room as the observer or in a galaxy on the opposite side of the universe.
That explains the "subspace"–release